Building a future for Accelerate Church
Amplify >>> is our two-year stewardship campaign to secure a permanent home for Accelerate Church. We believe that God’s word is going to be amplified even more when we find a place where people can encounter Jesus week after week. This isn’t just about having a building—it’s about creating a space where lives are transformed, where the gospel is preached, and where our community can meet Jesus in a tangible way.
A Message from
Pastor Ernest Grant, II
When I think back to our launch in 2021, I never imagined that God would move in such powerful ways, and so quickly. Over the past few years, we’ve seen Him do what seemed impossible—people encountering Him in our services, lives being transformed through baptisms and salvations, countless children being invested in and taught the foundational truths of Jesus, addictions broken, and lives healed. It’s been nothing short of amazing to witness how God has used us to bring hope and transformation."
As we celebrate God moving, as a church, we’re stepping out in faith with a capital campaign called Amplify. Our hope through this campaign is to secure a permanent facility so that the gospel of Jesus can resonate even louder in the Delaware Valley Region. I want to invite you to be a part of this movement and help make this vision a reality. Let’s come together to reach people far from God and help them meet Him for the first time.
The Dream: A Permanent Facility
A permanent, 24-hour facility will provide a space for worship, growth, and community connection. It will serve as a hub to train and equip our Dream Team for greater impact. We envision a 20,000 sq ft space with a 400-seat auditorium, designed to support our ministry’s effectiveness with dedicated spaces for worship, children, guests, and staff.
We aim to create a space where intercession, community, and spiritual growth can flourish, including a dedicated prayer room and leadership development spaces.
The Impact So Far
312 Decisions for Christ
148 Baptisms
54 Children Invested In Weekly
$108,678 Invested in Church Planting
319 Weekly Attendance
4,000+ Families Served Through Outreach
Since our launch in 2021, our church has experienced incredible growth and impact. We celebrate these milestones as a testament to God’s faithfulness.
What’s Next for Accelerate Church?
Our rapid growth since launching in 2021 has revealed the challenges of being a portable church. We’ve added more services, but we know this will eventually overtax our staff and volunteers. We’re committed to securing a new, permanent location that will allow us to continue growing, developing leaders, and reaching people far from God.
This new facility will include state-of-the-art children and youth spaces, leadership development areas, and ample parking for our growing congregation.
Be Part of The Change: Creative Ways To Contribute
Redirect Your Spending
Consider cutting premium services like HBO or Netflix to create a margin for generosity.
Unique Gifts
Donate assets like stocks, vehicles, or other valuable items.
Postpone Purchases:
Delay non-essential spending to support the vision of Amplify.
Be a part of our Journey
We are thrilled you’ve chosen to embark on this 21-day spiritual journey with us. Through this, I want to invite you to step into a deeper relationship with God as we explore what it means to seek Him with all our hearts.
Join the Journey through Prayer
“Matthew 6:33, Jesus calls us to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.” It’s a radical invitation to reorder our priorities and prioritize our pursuit of God above all else.”
Make an impact today
Make an impact today *
We invite you to participate at any level. Your generosity and sacrifice will directly impact countless lives through the Gospel of Jesus. Let’s work together to make this vision a reality.
Giving FAQs
Adding services will only buy us limited time before we over-leverage our space and teams. A permanent facility will allow us to expand our ministry capacity sustainably.
The Amplify campaign is scheduled for two years. The speed of our vision depends on the generosity of our community.
Adding additional services will only buy limited time before we over-leverage our teams and space. Additionally, generally speaking, multiple services do not have equal attendance.
Therefore, adding additional service would not lessen the space constraints on the highest attended service.
We believe that God has called us to the area we have been impacting already. While we are always open to new opportunities and God’s direction and guidance, at this time Cherry Hill is our geographical focus.